Prostor u glavi treba nečim ispuniti
Svime što dobro dođe za takvo što
Svime što je bilo vrijedno
vrijedit će i sada i kasnije

Potopit ćemo osjećaje razumom
Plodna polja postat će močvare
Ništa više neće rasti
u vrtovima mašte

Bit ćemo sretni zatupljeni
otupljenih oštrica intuicije
Prozor u svijet bit će nam otvoren
samo dopola...

Pa što!?
Bit ćemo sretni ti i ja


The space in your head should be filled with something
Anything useful for that kind of thing
Anything that was worth
will be worth now and later

We will sink the feelings with reason
fertile fields will become marshes
Nothing will ever grow
in gardens of imagination

We’ll be happy dulled
cutting edges of our intuition blunted
Our window into the world will be open
only by half…

So what!?
We’ll be happy you and me


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