Spoznao sam to još jučer
Bila si sa mnom nametljiva- u mislima
u slikama, u snovima noću
Nisam volio tebe- već statuu
Izlivenu u žurbi, onako serijski

Danas ne znam ima li ljubavi u meni
Jel je ikad bilo
u utrobi ovoj teškoj, olovnoj
Čujem da me još voliš
pričaju mi vjetrovi o našoj ljubavi

Kako je to bilo, ja se ne sjećam
Amnezija- u očima- led
bez boli- samo vakuum

Soba mi se smanjuje, zidovi stišću
bespomoćno tražim izlaz
Iz kartonske kutije od cipela
Jel prošla oluja?
Polako, oprezno dižem poklopac;
iz školjke se iskotrlja biser
i- nestaje u pijesku
tren prije no što val ispere obalu
solju nesjećanja

Bože, zar je tako dugo...
toliko je prošlo?!
Ne mislim, ne želim, ne sjećam se više
Ne pišem, ne govorim
Ne brojim dane u kalendaru
Ne živim

Smijem se...


I've realized that as yet yesterday

You were with me meddlesome- in thoughts

in pictures, in dreams at night

I didn’t love you- I loved a statue

Molten in a hurry, just like that, serially


Today I don’t know if there is any love in me

If it there ever was

in this interior heavy, made of lead

I hear you still love me

winds are telling to me a story of our love


How it was, I don’t remember

Amnesia- in eyes- ice

no pain- just vacuum


My room is shrinking, walls closing in

I’m helplessly looking for the exit

Out of the shoe card-board box

Has the storm passed?

Slowly, carefully I’m lifting the top cover;

out of the shell rolls out the pearl

and- disappears in sand

the moment before a wave washes the shore

with the salt of oblivion


Oh, God, has it been that long…

that much passed?!

I don’t think, don’t wish, don’t remember any more

Don’t write, don’t speak

Don't count the days in calendar

Don’t live


I laugh…


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