
Prikazuju se postovi od prosinac, 2016


Da ni bilo stare rane -ne bi bilo ni ozliede nove. Da ni bilo stare rane -ne bi bilo ni piesme ove. Ni da vrieme stane -ne bi bilo stare rane. A kad sunce ograne, pod svoje stare dane -ja se bum opet rodil! Do onda bum z dugum nadsvodil svoj život. Nek se stane!! Do onda bum z tugum nadsvodil svoju smrt. I sive svoje dane!! Svoje dane sive Bogu bum kral. Svoje dane žive... I nikad nem zaspal. Taman kad se bum naspal, ovu bum lubavnu prebolel bol. Ja bum ponovo nastal, na rane svoje duševne posipal bum sol. Marina ili Martina; se je to isto. Skup nikad ne bumo; niti sada nismo.......... AN OLD AND A NEW WOUND If it wasn't for the old wound -it wouldn't be a new round. If it wasn't for the old wound -we would change things around. Nor if the time stopped -there wouldn't be the old wound. The sun would hipped. The sun would hopped. I'd be born again. Rainbow'd be roof over my head. Let it all stop!! Sorrow'd be r...


I am opening the drawers of my sub-counsciesness and keep on finding little bits of you and bits of me Maybe one day (we shall still) be friends all over again Now you're just pain This poem is a little showdown between you and me I'm only trying to relinquish you, that's all I bumped into a Great Wall (of China or somewhere else) Full speed now... I'm drowning in the Thames The filthy Thames of my tears, Marina The paper harem brings no pain to me, Marina Just em'tiness... Cruel is the Creator, who's torn us apart -until Foreverness, Marina. I've seen you, Marina, in all my dreams and betes noire Why don't you come alive Why silence?! I shall try and still I strive to find no match to you I do, lady death! Till my last breath... And all over again -to my Never (Ever) Land...! KOMADIĆI TEBE I KOMADIĆI MENE Otperam ladice moje podsviesti i nalazim male komadiće tebe i komadiće mene Morti jedenega dana (bumo o...
Oblaki ležiju nisko na briegu Plusek Clouds are laying low on the hill heavy rain