U dubinama sna In the depths of sleep
U sanjama o dubinama In the dreams of depths
Smisla života Of meaning of life
Bez smisla Without sense
Tragam za smislom I'm looking for it
Lutam Wandering
Tražim se Looking for myself
Lutam Wandering
Tražim se Looking for myself
U visinama Way up high
Na stijenama On the rocks
U stalnim mijenama In constant shifts
(Života) (Of life)
Padam I'm falling
Kotrljam se Rolling
Beskrajno dugo bolno Endlessly long painfully
Umorno hodam I'm walking tired
Ulicama The streets
Padam I'm falling
Kotrljam se Rolling
Beskrajno dugo bolno Endlessly long painfully
Umorno hodam I'm walking tired
Ulicama The streets
Za tvojim tragovima Following your traces
Otisnutim u netom napalom snijegu Printed in the fresh snow
Vodiš me u krug You lead me in circles
Ali nikako da ti uđem u trag I can never find you
Križam ruke na prsima My arms are crossed on my chest
Do srži prožet srsima I tried my best
Plačem I'm crying
Otisnutim u netom napalom snijegu Printed in the fresh snow
Vodiš me u krug You lead me in circles
Ali nikako da ti uđem u trag I can never find you
Križam ruke na prsima My arms are crossed on my chest
Do srži prožet srsima I tried my best
Plačem I'm crying
Izlazim iz kina I'm leaving the cinema
Gledao sam po koji put I have watched for millionth time
Svoj život My life
Uvijek drugačiji Always different
Uvijek isti Always the same
Uvijek sanjam tebe I always dream of you
(Znam) (I know)
Mada se nikada ne sjećam Though I never can remember
Tog sna That dream
Kad se probudim When I wake up
Kad se uzbudim When I get excited
Kada žudim When yearn
U grudim' In my breasts
Imam bombu I have time-bomb
Tik, tak Tic, tac
Jesi li Bog? Are you God?
Ili stvarno postojiš? Or you really exist?
Je li postoji ljubav Does love exist
Gledao sam po koji put I have watched for millionth time
Svoj život My life
Uvijek drugačiji Always different
Uvijek isti Always the same
Uvijek sanjam tebe I always dream of you
(Znam) (I know)
Mada se nikada ne sjećam Though I never can remember
Tog sna That dream
Kad se probudim When I wake up
Kad se uzbudim When I get excited
Kada žudim When yearn
U grudim' In my breasts
Imam bombu I have time-bomb
Tik, tak Tic, tac
Jesi li Bog? Are you God?
Ili stvarno postojiš? Or you really exist?
Je li postoji ljubav Does love exist
Ili je to izmišljeno Or it is invented
Da svima bude bolje? So everybody would feel better?
Da svima bude bolje? So everybody would feel better?
Ne znam... I don't know...
Ne znam jesi li stvarna? I don't know if you're real?
Tvarna? Material?
Iluzija Illusion
Sve je samo privid It's all just a make-believe
Mutna slika Blurry vision
Loš vid Bad eye-sight
Vidim daljine I can see lengths
More The sea
More noćne Nightmares
Lijepe snove Beautiful dreams
Ove These
One Those
Ali... But...
Sve to postoji u mojoj glavi It is only in my head
Ili je to ipak izvan nje Or is it outwards
A svijet u njoj? And the world in it?
Osamdesete su bile moje godine Eighties were my age
Straha Of fear
Devedesete Nineties
Bijelog praha of white dust
Devedesete Nineties
Bijelog praha of white dust
Ovo desetljeće This decade
-Kraha -of me falling apart
Možda... Maybe ...
Ima nade za nas There is hope for us
Alkoholičare Alcoholics
Narkomane Junkies
Tabletomane Pill-poppers
Nasilnike Bullies
Kriminalce Criminals
Ljude People
-Kraha -of me falling apart
Možda... Maybe ...
Ima nade za nas There is hope for us
Alkoholičare Alcoholics
Narkomane Junkies
Tabletomane Pill-poppers
Nasilnike Bullies
Kriminalce Criminals
Ljude People
Sanjare Dreamers
Jede noć Get eaten by the night
Budne The waking
Dan devours the day
San A dream
Sve je samo san It is all only a dream
Nikad ... Never ...
Ne reci nikad Never say never
Reci mi: "Volim te" Tell me: "I love you"
Svagda For all time
Svugdje Every place
Svakako Any how
Ali nikad se nemoj But never
Odvojiti od mene Pull away from me
Kako preživjeti u prašumi na asfaltu? How to survive the asphalt jungle?
Što? What?
Što sam ono htio reći? What was I to say?
Govorim cijelo vrijeme I'm talking all the the time
Nitko me ne čuje Nobody can hear me
Naime: Namely:
Usta se ne otvaraju My mouth won't open
Telepatija je rješenje Telepathy is the solution
Grupna terapija za cijeli svijet Group therapy for the whole wide world
Grafiti Graffiti
Sve su to samo grafiti It's all just graffiti
U glavama ljudi In the heads of people
I na bicepsima And on the biceps
Bacite me psima Let the dogs eat me
Da ne istrunem So I don't rot
Svakako Any how
Ali nikad se nemoj But never
Odvojiti od mene Pull away from me
Kako preživjeti u prašumi na asfaltu? How to survive the asphalt jungle?
Što? What?
Što sam ono htio reći? What was I to say?
Govorim cijelo vrijeme I'm talking all the the time
Nitko me ne čuje Nobody can hear me
Naime: Namely:
Usta se ne otvaraju My mouth won't open
Telepatija je rješenje Telepathy is the solution
Grupna terapija za cijeli svijet Group therapy for the whole wide world
Grafiti Graffiti
Sve su to samo grafiti It's all just graffiti
U glavama ljudi In the heads of people
I na bicepsima And on the biceps
Bacite me psima Let the dogs eat me
Da ne istrunem So I don't rot
I pokvarim se And spoil
Šteta mesa! It would be a waste!
Potpisujem odobrenje I'm signing an approval
O donaciji organa Of organ donation
Ratnoj operaciji nema kraja War surgery never ends
Opet me kolju... They are butchering me again ...
Nikada nema kraja Continual gory fairy-tale
Vječnoj krvavoj bajci Has no end
(A nisam vegetarijanac) (And I'm not a vegetarian)
Samopresađivanje Self-transplantation
Duše? Od spirit?
Gdje su im duše? Where are their souls?
Šteta mesa! It would be a waste!
Potpisujem odobrenje I'm signing an approval
O donaciji organa Of organ donation
Ratnoj operaciji nema kraja War surgery never ends
Opet me kolju... They are butchering me again ...
Nikada nema kraja Continual gory fairy-tale
Vječnoj krvavoj bajci Has no end
(A nisam vegetarijanac) (And I'm not a vegetarian)
Samopresađivanje Self-transplantation
Duše? Od spirit?
Gdje su im duše? Where are their souls?
Duše Spirit
O, Veliki Duše Oh, Great Spirit
S koje strane svijeta From what side of the world
Ovaj vjetar puše? Does this wind blow?
Dezodoransi Deodorants of
Moćnih političara Mighty politicians
Skrivaju Are masking
Glad? Famine?
Smrt? Death?
Neimaštinu? Poverty?
Bolest? Illness?
Nova vijest A piece of news
Idemo- jest'! Let's- eat!
U ljudskoj duši In the soul of a man
Preživjeti To live
Ili umrijeti Or to die
Krug je svršen The circle is complete
Vrijeme je za počinak It is time to rest
Mnogo je načina za ... There are many ways to ...
Živjeti Live
Mnogo puta sam poželio ... Many times I have wished to...
Živjeti Live
S koje strane svijeta From what side of the world
Ovaj vjetar puše? Does this wind blow?
Dezodoransi Deodorants of
Moćnih političara Mighty politicians
Skrivaju Are masking
Glad? Famine?
Smrt? Death?
Neimaštinu? Poverty?
Bolest? Illness?
Nova vijest A piece of news
Idemo- jest'! Let's- eat!
Ptice su utihnule The birds have all silenced up
Sprema se rat A war is about to begin
Još jedan rat One more war
U ljudskoj povijesti In the history of man
Još jedan rat One more warU ljudskoj povijesti In the history of man
U ljudskoj duši In the soul of a man
Preživjeti To live
Ili umrijeti Or to die
Krug je svršen The circle is complete
Vrijeme je za počinak It is time to rest
Mnogo je načina za ... There are many ways to ...
Živjeti Live
Mnogo puta sam poželio ... Many times I have wished to...
Živjeti Live
Tako se bojim I am so afraid of
Života Life
Uvijek u životu Always in my life
Živim I live
Živim I live
Da bih jeo To eat
Živim I live
Da bih spavao To sleep
Umirem I am dying
Da ne bih (više ikad) radio Never (ever) to work again
Života Life
Uvijek u životu Always in my life
Živim I live
Živim I live
Da bih jeo To eat
Živim I live
Da bih spavao To sleep
Umirem I am dying
Da ne bih (više ikad) radio Never (ever) to work again
Umirem I am dying
Da ne bih više ikad To never ever
Živio noćnu moru Live a night-mare
Stišćem šake I'm clenching my fists
Za borbu For a fight
Stišćem olovku I'm squeezing my pen
Živio noćnu moru Live a night-mare
Stišćem šake I'm clenching my fists
Za borbu For a fight
Stišćem olovku I'm squeezing my pen
Za pjevanje To sing
Stišćem srce I'm pressing my heart
Za protok For a flow
(Misli) (Of thoughts)
Otpuštam dah I'm exhaling
Da te oživim To revive you
Dugo si bila mrtva You were dead a long time
Hoćeš li mi oživjeti Will you come to life for me?
Stišćem srce I'm pressing my heart
Za protok For a flow
(Misli) (Of thoughts)
Otpuštam dah I'm exhaling
Da te oživim To revive you
Dugo si bila mrtva You were dead a long time
Hoćeš li mi oživjeti Will you come to life for me?
Samo na tren? Only for a moment
Za smiješak jedan For one little smile
Makar At least
Poljubac mali A little kiss
U vrat? To your neck
Sanjam te I dream of you
Prekrasnu u zoru Gorgeous at dawn
U svanuće života At the dawn of life
Nježnu kao paučinu na vlatima trave Gentle like a spider's web on the grass
Okićenu kapima rose Decorated with dew
Vidim te u svakoj djevojci I see you in every girl
U prolazu That passes by me
Za smiješak jedan For one little smile
Makar At least
Poljubac mali A little kiss
U vrat? To your neck
Sanjam te I dream of you
Prekrasnu u zoru Gorgeous at dawn
U svanuće života At the dawn of life
Nježnu kao paučinu na vlatima trave Gentle like a spider's web on the grass
Okićenu kapima rose Decorated with dew
Vidim te u svakoj djevojci I see you in every girl
U prolazu That passes by me
Ali ti nisi ta But you are not the one
Koju sanjam That I dream of
-Sanjam san -I dream a dream of a dream
Glumimo po didaskalijama We're acting by the stage directions
I uputama redatelja And by what the director says
Kao marionete Like marionettes
-Život -Life
Živimo san We live a dream
Sanjamo ga u bojama sreće We dream it in the colors of happiness
Jesmo li zajedno Are we together
Ili Or
Beskrajno razdvojeni Endlessly disconnected
Intimom, By our intimacy
Svakodnevnim životom And our everyday life
-Tako se osjećam -That's how I feel
Kako se ti osjećaš, How do you feel,
Dušo, Sweetheart,
Jesi li sretna? Are you happy?
Trebam li dodati još malo Should I add a dash
Pa da budeš? So you would be?
Uljuljkaj me u san Tuck me in
*Napisano između 2000. i 2010. g. (Written between 2000. and 2010.)
Koju sanjam That I dream of
-Sanjam san -I dream a dream of a dream
Glumimo po didaskalijama We're acting by the stage directions
I uputama redatelja And by what the director says
Kao marionete Like marionettes
-Život -Life
Živimo san We live a dream
Sanjamo ga u bojama sreće We dream it in the colors of happiness
Jesmo li zajedno Are we together
Ili Or
Beskrajno razdvojeni Endlessly disconnected
Intimom, By our intimacy
Svakodnevnim životom And our everyday life
-Tako se osjećam -That's how I feel
Kako se ti osjećaš, How do you feel,
Dušo, Sweetheart,
Jesi li sretna? Are you happy?
Trebam li dodati još malo Should I add a dash
Pa da budeš? So you would be?
Uljuljkaj me u san Tuck me in
Treća sreća Third time lucky
Koja je tema? What's the topic?
Bujam rastem I'm exuberating and growing
Kao lopoč cvjetam Like water-lily I blossom
Cvjetam I flourish
U žilama In my blood-vessels
Nosim zlato I carry gold
Dijamante Diamonds
U očima In my eyes
U srcu In my heart
Tebe You
Tko si? Who are you?
Ti You
Ti si ... You are ...
Vene božice Geje Veins of goddess Gaia
Beskrajne rijeke smisla Perpetual rivers of sense
Ja sam zaljubljen I am in love
U proljeće With spring
Mada je zima Although it is winter-time
U Vijetnamu In Vietnam
U Kini In China
Na Zapadu On the West
Razaranje smisla Destruction of sense
U umovima razmrvljenih ljudi In the minds of crumbled people
Više nikad! Never more!
Padaju kaplje Drops are falling
Kiše izvan kuće Of rain outdoors
Krvi u CD sviraču Of blood in a CD player
Polovice života po tebi Halves of life all over you
U Tebi In Thebes
U Uru In Ur
Machu Picchuu In Machu Picchu
Mrtvim gradovima The ghost-towns
Posjetit ćemo ih jednom We'll visit them some day
I oživjeti And restore them
Osvetiti Avenge
Osvijetliti olimpijskim plamenom Illuminate them with Olympic flame
Prosvjetliti se Enlighten ourselves
Mašem I am waving
Poletjet ću I will fly
Rukama With my arms
Sanjam I am dreaming
Srcem With my heart
Razmišljam I am thinking
Tijelom With my body
Umirem I am dying
Tobom By you
(Svojim ekstremitetom) (As my limb)
Tvojim srcem By your heart
Sanjam I dream
Rukama tvojim By your arms
Živim i hodam I live and walk
Tko si ti! Srce?! Who are you? A heart?!
Što si ti? Pluća?! What are you? A set of lungs?!
Gdje si ti? Mozak?! Where are you? In my brain?!
A kamo ideš? U zagrljaj?! Where are you heading? Into my arms?!
Pa dobro onda Well then
Evo ti- pjesma! Have- a poem!
__________________________________*Napisano između 2000. i 2010. g. (Written between 2000. and 2010.)
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