Pozitivno mišljenje nije laž
thinking is not a lie
see for yourself
They are not important any more
uvjerite se sami
vi što promatrate svijet
sa svojih tornjeva tamo gore
LJUDI, ujedinite glave svoje u jednu
ili utonite u pijesak sa svojim dvorcima
Stijena ja sam bazaltna
hrid o koju se razbijaju vali
Mislim da vam nešto nedostaje
meni u prošlosti uvijek nešto fali
Naučio me je pameti Tomislav Ivančić
Ja sam bivša žrtva čudnih koincidencija
sudbe klete i prokletih ljudi
Sadim cvijeće za budućnost
tamo ima žena- more je puno
Preplićem trave sudbine
Ona je još neoblikovana
tek je u mome umu
Čeka da se razbukta
eksplodira mi u mozgu
Pulsiraju mi živci po cijelom tijelu
Razvijam se kao stijeg na vjetru
Trnem trncima trnovitim
Put do zvijezda želim da utabam
Tražim riječ što se rimuje sa "svrhovitim"
Evo smisla u meni
i oko mene, u svom svemiru
Iz povrđujućeg mnijenja dobih odličan
to mi je samo po sebi nagrada
Gol sam, znaš, pred sobom u ogledalu
svoje savjesti;
udivljenja pun
udivljenja pun
Zaspao sam u snu mnogih boja
nestrpljiv sam čekajuć uspjeh
želeć sreće- što nema broja
Oni me ne žele,
što smatrah ih braćom u duši,
po božanskim djelima
nestašnim rukopisom šaram
halapljivo po raznim jelima
kao kritičar zalogajnica i restorana
Ko ih šiša, bene,
volim ja njih
više no što oni mene
Osjećam prisilu da pjesme pišem
i protivnu prisilu da ih uništavam
pišući ih ubijam se
Palim bilježnice pune stihova
tako nitko neće znati tko
sam bio i kakav sam htio
Ne želim biti više no što jesam
hodajući trčim, ograde preskačem
Nisam više frustriran, prilično bijesan
(što me ne žele!)
Oni nisu više važni
važan je samo stih,
ljuid koji će ga čitati
Oni koje jako volio bih
vidjeti, sresti, razgovarati
nuditi im jesti, piti...
Stihoklepstvom rekorde obarati
Ispuštam iz glasnica glasan uzdah
Propadam, puštam se, bacam se u sevdah
Ali ne... to je samo predah
u stvaranju
see for yourself
you who
observe the world
from your
towers way up high
unite your heads into one
or sink to
sand with your castles
Rock I am
made of basalt
cliff that
crashes waves
I think you are missing something
Me in the
past always misses something
I was
brought to my common sense by Tomislav Ivancic
I am former
victim of odd coincidences
of cursed
destiny and doomed people
I plant
flowers for the future
there are women there
-the sea is
I interlace
grass of fate
It is sill
waiting to
explode in
my mind
nerves in
my whole body pulsate
I develop
like a banner on a wind
I become numb-
caused by the thorns
that make me tingle(*1)
that make me tingle(*1)
Road to
stars I want to stamp
Here is the sense in me
and around
me, in all the universe
Out of
affirmative opinion
I got an “a”
That’s a
reward enough to me
I am bare
in front of the mirror of my conscience;
full of
I fell
asleep in a dream full of paints
impatient I
am waiting for success
money- that is countless
They do not
want me,
the ones I
considered to be my soul brothers,
by divine
With frisky
handwriting I scribble (*4)
ravenously through the various dishes
ravenously through the various dishes
like a food
plums them (*2) fools
like them more
than they
like me
I feel
compulsion to write poems
and the
opposite coercion to destroy them
I kill
myself by writing them
notebooks filled with doodle art
That way no
one will know who
I was and
what I wanted
to be
I don’t
want to be more than I am
by walking
I run, skipping fences
I am no longer frustrated, quite furious
they don’t want me!)
They are not important any more
only the
verse matters,
people who’ll
read it
Those who I’d
love to
see, meet,
talk to
offer the
food, drink…
to break
a record as a versemonger
I let out
of my glottis a loud sigh
deteriorate, letting myself, throwing myself into sevdah*3
But no…
that’s just a break
in creation
*1 numb-
caused by the thorns that make me tingle- this is completely lost in translation. The original goes: trnem
trncima trnovitim.
Who plums them- Croatian slang expression, meaning: Who gives a hack about them
sevdah- you better check out
this later: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevdalinka
if you want to know what sevdah/sevdalinka really
scribble- another loss in translation.
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