Šarena stranica mog uma moje raznobojne mašte postaje sve veća i veća Raste tako moja sreća veća od neba od svemira veća Veća od tvojih ruku kad me obujmljuju tvojim zlatom od ljubavi uokviruju Takva je moja sreća Kada me podigneš rukama poljubiš (u srce), moje srce zadrhti tisućama svijeća ono zasja A kad me spustiš ljubavi, nije mi dosta -ljubavi Uzvraćaš mi darom dar GIFT Mottled page of my mind of my colourful imagination is growing bigger and bigger That’s how my happiness grows larger than the sky larger than the universe Bigger than your arms when they embrace me with their gold made of love they frame me That’s how my love is When you lift me up kiss me with your arms (to my heart) my heart trembles with the thousand candles is shines And when you put me down my love, I can’t get enough -of love you repay me my gift with your gift