Provala riječi, nezaustavljiva bujica
neometano kulja iz mene
kao lava iz vulkana
Toliko toga bih ti želio reći
riječima nesavršenim
pjesmom vrijednom samo tebi

Odlučio sam da ti ne spominjem ime
sve dok ne postaneš živa
iz duhovne dimenzije prijeđeš u stvarnu
Molim te, ne osvrći se na stare rane
one nisu od tebe
i puno duže od tebe žive u meni

Još ne znaš, tajno, moju tajnu
Reći ću ti jednom
koga volim
kad prođe oluja


Outburst of words, the unstoppable torrent

is unobstructed pouring out of me

like lava out of the volcano

There is so much I would like to say to you

with imperfect words,

with poem valuable to you only


I have decided not to mention your name

until you become alive,

turn from spiritual dimension into reality

Please, take no notice of old wounds

They are not caused by you

and a lot longer than you they live inside of me


You still don’t know, woman secret- the secret of mine

I will tell you once

who I love

when the storm is over


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