Morem plovim dugo beskrajno
kraj obala katkad zastanem
U bljesku munje vide mi se kosti lica
Vratolomno jedrim, na valovima jašem

Put je dug i nepregledan
Dan je paklen
Jedna duša stopira
uz rub asfalta koji se topi od vrućine
Sve titra
u želatini

U bjelini tragove ne ostavljam
Zubi cvokoću, kosti pucaju
Kao kreda
se rasipaju u bijeli prah
Spas od hladnoće tražiš, putniče?
Ja sam spasiteljica duša,
za tijelo nek' se pobrine bjelina
nek' ga pokrije i dobro utopli

presijeca udove (i niti života)
Oni plaču crvenim, toplim suzama
na tisuće načina
Pjevaju alati za ubijanje
svaki na svoj način
Pune mi džepove
prtljaga mi otežava
koferi se pune
Novosti su dobre
žetva na vrhuncu
urod bolji od najbolje godine

Oni strepe
jadni mali kukci
a ja i dalje kosim



I fare the sea long endlesly
by shores I sometimes stop
In a flash of lightning my facial bones show
I glide precariously, on waves I ride
The way is long and immense
The day is hellish
One soul hitch-hikes
by the edge of asphalt that melts of heat
Everything vibrates
in a gelatin
In whiteness I don't leave footprints
Teeth chatter, bones break
Like a chalk
they crumble into a white dust
You seek a shelter from cold, traveller?
I am the savior of souls,
let the whiteness take care of your body
let it cover it up and warm it up nicely
cuts through limbs (and threads of life)
They cry red, warm tears
in thousands of ways
Killing tools sing
every one in its own fashion
They fill up my pockets
my luggage gets heavier
my suitcases fill up
The news are good
harvest is at its top
yield is better than the best year
They dread
poor little insects
and I keep scything


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