Ide povećalo po papiru, traži slova
riječi neizrečenih
još nesročenih rečenica
Stihovi moji se bune zbog mene
traže moju slobodu
Protestiraju oni pred vratima svijeta
predviđajući mi sigurno oslobođenje

Moje noći tamne u duši
Povjetarac njiše plamen svijeće
Moje vrijeme će tek doći
Uzdišu moji stihovi

Stihovi moji vrletima zvone
u sedlima se propinju
noću dolinama se šuljaju tiho
izazivaju more do bijesa zapjenjeno
da potopi ih ako može

Plodno tlo ravnica oplođuju još više
Velika jata ptica pronose dalje im
glase zimi na jug
Plugovi moji- stihovi moji
zemlju obrađuju
Žanju bogate žetve metafora
uzabiru plodove za moje sinove
da kad me više ne bude
na ovoj zemaljskoj govornici
moji sinovi ne budu gladni
Duhovi njihovi bit će uvijek siti

Svega će im uvijek biti
sa svim tim mojim stihovima
Sjećat će se radosnog oca:
"Otac nam je bio pjesnik
sad negdje piše stihove
Mi ćemo ih čuti kad uzori more
kad planine svuku sa sebe bijele plašteve...
Bit ćemo zajedno
naš otac i mi"


Magnifier moves over a piece of paper, looking for letters
of words yet unsaid
sentences yet uncomposed
My verses rebel for me
they demand my freedom
They protest at the doors of the world
and predict me a sure liberation

My nights are dark in my soul
A breeze sways a flame of a candle
My time is yet to come
My verses sigh

My verses ring through the crags
in the saddles they prance
in the night they sneak through valleys silently
they challenge the sea foamed to rage
to sink them if it can

Fertile ground of plains they fertilize even more
Large flocks of birds carry their voices
during winter to south
My plows- my verses
cultivate the land
They reap rich harvests of metaphors
they pick fruits for my sons
so when I'm gone
from this earthly rostrum
my sons won't be hungry
Their spirits shall always be full-fed

They will always have everything
with all of my verses
They shall remember their joyful father:
"Our father was a poet
he's writing poems somewhere
We shall hear them when the sea ripes
when mountains take off their white cloaks...
We shall be together
our father and us"


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