Prodor oblačne mase
iznad Apenina
donosi svježinu u meni.
Rimski bog Mars odmara svoje umorne udove
u sjeni masline.
Prokleti Spartak na Vespi oslobođen,
juri Viom Apiom,
cestom raspetih duša
(kao što je i on bio).
U Monzi furije tjeraju svoje kočije,
Ben Hur je sada u gledalištu.
Podmorje skriva galije
u olujama posljednjih plovidaba.
O svojoj stvari brine organizacija;
u Palermu je pakleno,
kad sunce ugrije vapnenac.
Azzuri gaze travu u parkovima;
udaraju Geju, kotrljaju je
velikim stadionom svemirom.
Michelangelo još gleda u svod.
Leonardo leti redovnom linijom Alitalije.
Kod Monte Casina gorim sa svijećom palima,
u vosku su moji tragovi;
oči se polako gase.
Vezuv i Etna su ugasli.
Pompeji su okamenjeni mravinjak.
Kosi toranj još je moćan.
Romeo reče Juliji:
"Nemoj se otrovati,
ne ovaj put,
ne za slavu Cinecitte!"
Trčao je livadom kao da
gone zli duhovi koje je sanjao:
Duce- ali ipak je obješen naglavce.
Što još ima na Apeninima,
a da još nije pokazano?
Još samo Napulj da vidim
i odlazim...
Breach of cloud-mass
Breach of cloud-mass
above Apennines
freshness in me.
Roman god
Mars rests his tired limbs
in the
shade of an olive-tree.
Spartacus on a Vespa freed,
rushes down
the Via Appia,
road of
crucified souls
(the likes
of him).
In Monza the furies run their
Ben Hur is
in the audience now.
Sea bed is
hiding galleys
in storms
of the last sailings.
Of its
matter the organization takes care;
in Palermo is hellish,
when sun
heats up the lime-stone.
The Azzurri
are trampling grass in parks;
kicking the
Gea, rolling it
trough the
great stadium the universe.
still looks at the ceiling.
flies on the regular airline of Alitalia.
By Monte
Casino I burn with a candle to the fallen,
in wax are
my traces;
eyes are
slowly fading out.
Mounts of
Vesuvius and Etna are silent.
Pompeii are petrified ant-hill.
Leaning Tower of Pisa is still mighty.
Romeo says
to Juliette:
poison yourself,
not this
not for the
glory of Cinecitta!”
He ran
trough the meadow as if
he was
chased by the evil spooks he dreamt of:
Duce- but
still he was hanged head over heels.
What is
there on Apennines,
and yet
hasn’t been shown?
Only Naples to see
and I
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