Dižu se polako i nečujno
iz svojih vlažnih postelja u zemlji
Dižu te polako na svojim rukama
u zrak
iznenađenu gubitkom dodira sa tlom

Bojiš se...
da te ne ispuste
na tvrdo kamenjem posuto tlo
i ubiju

Otkud odjednom živi
a bila si im na sprovodima
u crnini, tužna, ucviljena
zajedno sa svim njihovim ženama
djeleć žalost i osjećaj gubitka?

Spuste te polako
u vrućici drhtavu svu

Na tlo neozlijeđenu, nedirnutu
kao što te majka
spremala uvečer na počinak

Probudi ih, oživi
Udahni im dah života
ti imaš tu moć
da budiš u život vječne snivače


They are rising slowly and without a sound

out of their humid beds in the soil

They are lifting you on their arms

into the air

you are surprised by the loss of your touch with the ground


You are afraid…

of them letting you go

frail you

onto the hard stones covered surface of the earth

and kill you



How come they are suddenly alive

and you were on the funerals

wearing black, sad, grieving

together with all their wives

sharing the sorrow and feeling of loss?


They put you down slowly

all quavery and burning up


Onto the ground unharmed, untouched

as your mother used to

put you to sleep in the evening


Wake them, revive them

Breathe them in- the breath of life

you have got that power

to bring to life eternal sleepers


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