Iz tvojih očiju izviruje tuga
kratko se osvrće lijevo i desno
Ne našavši mira
brzo se povlači u sigurnost vjeđa
da se i dalje hrani tobom

Iz tvojih očiju izvire patnja
polako teče gusta, crna nafta
strah ti prelijeće lice
Gledam te iz daljine
-vidiš me...

Odlijećeš brzo
poput preplašene ptice
na tajno mjesto
u sjeni šume

Čučiš u grmlju
dršćući od zime
dršćući od straha
Nazirem ti šareno perje
kroz lišće gustog grmlja
na rubu šume

Prikradam ti se tiho, polako
nit' me slutiš
niti osjećaš
Ne vidiš me očima zamagljenim od suza

Korak dva, skok...
Samo lepeći, uzalud ti
imam te i držim čvrsto
Ne dam te,
ne boj se
moje ruke nek ti budu gnijezdo


Out of your eyes is peering sadness

it is shortly looking left and right

Not to find peace

it is quickly retreating into the safety of your eyelids

to keep feeding with you


Out of your eyes is welling suffering

slowly flows dense, black oil


fear is flying over your face

I’m watching you from the distance

-you see me…


You are flying away quickly

like a scared bird

to a secret place

in the shade of the forest


You are squatting in the bushes

quivering from the cold

quivering from the fear

I’m catching glimpses of your motley feathers

trough the leaves of thick bushes

on the edge of the wood


I’m sneaking to you quietly, gently

you aren’t sensing me

nor feeling me

You don’t see me with your eyes blurred with tears


A step or two, jump…

Just flutter, it’s in vain

I have you and I’m holding you tightly

I don’t want to let you go,

don’t be afraid

let my arms be your nest


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