Kad predam, predajem se...
U biti ne znam kako...
Šuti! Molim te...
da osjetim mir, dajući ti ljubav
priznajući potrebu, priznajući zločin

Današnji stid ni sjena nije
Pristajem na dok istine
Dolazim sa dugog putovanja
bez i daška povjetarca,
duge, spore,bolne, mučne
i žedne plovidbe- u boci

Predajem se nakon dugih godina gusarenja,
traženja prava na pravdu
Uzimao sam bogatima
i davao siromasima i potrebitima ljubavi
svojoj mrtvoj posadi: duši, duhu i tijelu

Htijući zadržati apsolutnu kontrolu
dao sam objesiti hrabre na jarbole srama
utopiti mudre u valovima neznanja
a dobre bičevati do smrti u srcu
bičem svog blistavog intelekta
da me ne svrgnu i ne bace u more

Zaboga, nisam znao plivati
vodama dubokim života
Od toga sam duboko zazirao
vidjevši u oceanu života svoju smrt
svakim danom sve više
svakim snom sve življe

Sve pustijim bivao je moj jedrenjak
Sve veća moja glad za društvom
Preostale mornare su skuhali
za objed kanibali
na otoku zvanom Solitude

Shrvan, slomljenih jedara, potrganog kormila
milio sam kao puž morem besmisla
tražeći kopno
pred kojim bih spustio sidro
godinu, pet, deset... Koliko? Ne znam
zaboravio sam broj
Bez nade, bez sreće, bez Boga
Gdje li je tome kraj?

Ti si sudac i porota
na suđenju ovom gusaru
osudi me na život- sa sobom!


When I give, I give up…

In fact I don’t know how…

Shut up! Please…

I want to feel peace, by giving you love

by admitting my need, by admitting crime


Today’s shame not a shadow is

the one one time

I’m putting ashore on the dock of the truth

I’m returning from a long voyage

without even a breath of breeze,

long, slow, painful, plod

and thirsty navigation- in a bottle


I’m giving in after long years of being a pirate,

demanding my right for justice

I was taking from the rich

and giving off to the poor and needy of love

my dead crew: psyche, spirit and body


I wanted to maintain absolute control

so I had the brave hanged on the masts of shame

had the wise drowned in the waves of ignorance

and  had the good knouted until their death in their heart

with the whip of my shiny intellect

so they don’t dethrone me and throw me into the sea


For goodness sake, I couldn’t swim

in the deep waters of life

I deeply abhorred that

seeing in the ocean of life- my death

with every day more

with every dream more lively


My sailing-ship was becoming more and more deserted

My hunger for company bigger and bigger

The rest of the sailors got cooked

by the cannibals for their meal

on the island called Solitude.


Devastated, with my sails broken and  helm cracked

I crawled like a snail on the sea of absurdity

looking for the dry land

I could get anchored by

a year, five, ten… How much? I don’t know

I forgot to count

Without hope, without luck, without God

Where does it end?


You are the judge and the jury

on the trial to this buccaneer

sentence me to life- with you!


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